narrativas del aqui/2 pausas sobre la no-Historia del Caribe
installation in Centro Leon, within the collections of the museum in Dominican Republic, in the frame of a residency of a month, 2018
wood, poem, thread
poem given to the public when entering the exhibition roorm
This installation took place in a pre-existing museography of the art center Centro Leon, in the frame of the residency Dimension Caribe. The poem is given to the public at the entrance of the exhibition space. If the History of the caribbean is made out of ruptures, what could be, thinking in matter, our relation with time in the Caribbean ? From what representation ? Caribbean intelectuals like E. Glissant (in the Caribbean discourse) o D. Walcott (in The measure of History) mention the History of the caribbean made out of chocs situating the Caribbean history outside of the occidental reading of time as an horizontal line. In the installation, space is turned into a navigable time and for each wood post, an action materializes a relation with the past.